
Staying positive
Many of us hoped that the dawn of a new year would bring about change and maybe life would begin to slowly return to normal but it seems we all need to be patient for a little longer.
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Morven Hamilton talks about following your dharma
What is it that makes people voluntarily relinquish material advantage and social complacency? More often than not, it is because they are following their dharma. This little word carries a lot of weight in the yoga world.
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The koshas, immunity and health
Health is complex and there are many facets that make up the full picture. There are different approaches or maps that can be used in helping to understand the multi layered picture of complexities that have an impact...
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Strike a Pose
Ceri Lee, one of our teachers, talks ‘modern’ yoga and the importance of staying connected to the roots of the practice. Yoga is everywhere and its popularity is on the rise. Which is a great thing! There is, however,...
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