Food & recipes

Staying positive
Many of us hoped that the dawn of a new year would bring about change and maybe life would begin to slowly return to normal but it seems we all need to be patient for a little longer.
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Spring cleansing time
Spring is nature's natural time of renewal, the perfect time for an internal cleanse. Here are 5 simple steps to help kick start your body's natural desire to shift gear as the sap of spring rises.
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Our mini guide to perfect Spartia days
Spartia is a small village in the southern end of Kefalonia and the backdrop to our magical yoga holidays. A hidden gem, it has secluded beaches, some great places to eat and lots of lovely spots to while...
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Roasted Squash & Pepper Salad
Elspeth Humm, one of our retreat chefs, made this on a recent yoga retreat and it went down a storm. Here is the recipe for a delicious salad that is filling, nutritious and packed full of the good...
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