Holidays & retreats

Create change through restorative yoga
“On a day when the wind is perfect, the sail just needs to open and the world is full of beauty. Today is such a day.” Rumi. Annie Edwards is one of our retreat teachers, she loves the...
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Want to elevate your practice?
We caught up with Rory Viggers who is teaching the Sadhana Retreat in Devon this August. He talks overcoming obstacles in home practice and what can help us get going.
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Our mini guide to perfect Spartia days
Spartia is a small village in the southern end of Kefalonia and the backdrop to our magical yoga holidays. A hidden gem, it has secluded beaches, some great places to eat and lots of lovely spots to while...
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Finding a lovely corner away from the treadmill of life at The Banyan Tree, Goa
Sharon Walker reviews a magical week with Yoga on a Shoestring at the Banyan Tree eco-retreat in Goa and finds brilliant teachings with UK teacher Jess Horn, oodles of moreish veggie food, affordable local shopping and her grin.
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