
Staying positive
Many of us hoped that the dawn of a new year would bring about change and maybe life would begin to slowly return to normal but it seems we all need to be patient for a little longer.
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Dyhana ~ Lets talk about meditation
Meditation practices can also be called Raja Yoga or the Royal Path. Raja, means royal. Raja Yoga deals with the mind. The last three steps of this classical eight limbed system of Patanjali concern meditation. They are Dharana, concentration...
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Create change through restorative yoga
“On a day when the wind is perfect, the sail just needs to open and the world is full of beauty. Today is such a day.” Rumi. Annie Edwards is one of our retreat teachers, she loves the...
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Getting enough of the good stuff? Sleep matters
Aaawwhhh… yawn ! What is it that we need in mid January the most? Maybe a few nights of good sleep or just some better sleep habits. We can’t survive without it so why can it be so...
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