
YOAS - Yoga on a Shoestring NEWS - yoga retreat news

Special terms for covid times

We are closely following the advice of the UK Government in relation to Coronavirus. Our retreats will only go ahead if the UK Government guidelines allow for retreats in the UK and safe travel overseas.

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Adam Bryan - Executive Coach - Dive to Thrive - Yoga on a Shoestring - YOAS

It’s all in yoga…

Adam Bryan, Executive Coach and Founder of Dive to Thrive, shares his insights into the many ways yoga can enhance your wellbeing and shape your life on and off the mat.

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Yoga on a Shoestring - News & Reviews

The path to deep soul alignment

Do you ever feel like you are looking for a map to help plan out a sustainable and joyful life? Dory Walker shares a little about the Patanjali yoga sutras.

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