
Finding a lovely corner away from the treadmill of life at The Banyan Tree, Goa
Sharon Walker reviews a magical week with Yoga on a Shoestring at the Banyan Tree eco-retreat in Goa and finds brilliant teachings with UK teacher Jess Horn, oodles of moreish veggie food, affordable local shopping and her grin.
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Strike a Pose
Ceri Lee, one of our teachers, talks ‘modern’ yoga and the importance of staying connected to the roots of the practice. Yoga is everywhere and its popularity is on the rise. Which is a great thing! There is, however,...
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Perfect positions: 20 best yoga holidays worldwide
Two new reviews for YOAS in the Observer / Guardian newspaper. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced yogi, these retreats offer the chance to improve your practice in a beautiful setting.
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Ceri Lee talks about Meditation
As a busy single mother of two young boys, time is very sparse. With looking after them and attending to their needs, running a yoga business, and keeping up with my own yoga practice as well as the...
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