Tag Archive: yogaretreats

The power of meditation
Did you know that without moving a muscle, at any place, any time, anywhere, you have the tools to radically enhance your physical, mental and emotional states?
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The path to deep soul alignment
Do you ever feel like you are looking for a map to help plan out a sustainable and joyful life? Dory Walker shares a little about the Patanjali yoga sutras.
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The koshas, immunity and health
Health is complex and there are many facets that make up the full picture. There are different approaches or maps that can be used in helping to understand the multi layered picture of complexities that have an impact...
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Dyhana ~ Lets talk about meditation
Meditation practices can also be called Raja Yoga or the Royal Path. Raja, means royal. Raja Yoga deals with the mind. The last three steps of this classical eight limbed system of Patanjali concern meditation. They are Dharana, concentration...
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